1st district – innere stadt, Vienna Karte
We offer custom pricing for any duration. The advertised price may vary depending on your preferred move-in and move-out dates. Unlock our best-deal rate starting at €1,410/mo for stays between 27/3 and 27/3 Please visit our website to view all...
3rd district - landstraße, Vienna Karte
We offer custom pricing for any duration. The advertised price may vary depending on your preferred move-in and move-out dates. Unlock our best-deal rate starting at €1,610/mo for stays between 13/3 and 3/3 Please visit our website to view all...
Wien Karte
...Die Wohnung befindet sich im 2ten Wiener Gemeindebezirk in der Böcklinstraße. Sie besteht auf...e, Bad Der dritte Bezirk, Landstraße und Praterstern sind in unmittelbarer Nähe ( ...
wien leopoldstadt, Wien
...in eine hervorragend angelegte Wohnung zur befristeten Vermietung. Raumaufteilung: Vorraum, großzügige Wohnküche, 2 Zimmer, AR, Bad, WC Ausstattung: Parkettböden in den Wohnräumen, Nassräume verfliest Infrastruktur: Autobus 80A, Straßenbahn 1, Prater...
Wien Karte
...Wohnung zur befristeten Vermietung. Raumaufteilung: Vorraum, großzügige Wohnküche, 2 Zimmer, AR, Bad, WC Ausstattung: Parkettböden in den Wohnräumen, Nassräume verfliest Infrastruktur: Autobus 80A, Straßenbahn 1, PraterEnergiedaten: Energieausweis: l...
innere stadt, Vienna Karte
We offer custom pricing for any duration. The advertised price may vary depending on your preferred move-in and move-out dates. Unlock our best-deal rate starting at €2,530/mo for stays between 25/3 and 25/3 Please visit our website to view all...
alsergrund, Vienna Karte
We offer custom pricing for any duration. The advertised price may vary depending on your preferred move-in and move-out dates. Unlock our best-deal rate starting at €1,230/mo for stays between 17/4 and 25/3 Please visit our website to view all...